Green Mini-Grid Facility Kenya
Welcome to the Green Mini-Grid Facility Kenya (GMG Facility Kenya), a facility that provides grants and technical assistance to promote mini-grid development in Kenya through the private sector. It supports the National Electrification Strategy developed by the Kenya Government. The facility is supported by UK Aid and the European Union African Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) with the Agence Francaise de Developpement as the implementing partner.


Off Grid Solar Power in Kenya
In far-flung villages planted beyond the reach of regular power lines, an increasing number of communities are enjoying the benefits of having electricity in their homes and businesses thanks to the s...
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Providing Energy Access to Kenya Rural Population
Approximately 25% of the population has no access to electricity from KPLC. Kenya has now plans to deliver universal access by 2022.
As of 2020, the population of Kenya is estimated to be about 54 mi...
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